Keep It Simple & Stupid or KISS, istilah yang pertama kali saya dengar dari Prof. Smith di kelas Infrastructure Engineering and Management pada tahun 2008 lalu ternyata mempunyai pengertian yang sama dan hal2 yang kita hadapi sehari2.
For instance, we can see from the sample actual events below:
- People ask me: "Why in the world you got married so fast???!!!"
- I usually answer: "Why not?"
- People keep asking: "Do you make her pregnant?" "Are you crazy?" or the most classical one "I know...your mother set u up huh??"
WTF...why people keep asking those stuffs...the answer actually is very simple, I finally KISS. Of course when I decided to get married, it is one of the most stressful things ever happend to me...but in the end I was just decided it like I was having a big, hard, and solid poop. Y'all know what I mean is hard in the beginning, but when it finally feel like a winner!
So, I don't really care what people think...I just wanna KISS the POOP!
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